Humour and the absurdity of life

My best friend said:

Only humour can get you through hard times.

That’s true. Humour is one of the best tools and resources that we can rely on to help us tide over challenges and pull through hard times.

Humour is that rare gem that helps relieve stress and bolsters our immune system.

It is the 🌈 rainbow in the storm clouds that promises a better outcome now and in the future.

My best friend added:

You just have to find something to laugh about. That’s the only way to get through these times.

Indeed, laughter is a powerful natural antidepressant, and Wisdom says that a cheerful heart is medicine for the soul.

And yes, the joy of the Highest Self within and around us is our strength.

Come to think of it, humour helps us to transcend the perceived limitations of circumstances, and connects us to the timeless abundance of the Universe that always provides for us and makes a way when there seems no way.

Incidentally, I saw a beautiful hibiscus flower in full bloom when I was walking outside the office after lunch which reminds of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s quote “The Earth laughs in flowers”.

Maybe the revelation is that the flowers are the universe’s way of reminding us that all is well, and we can find joy and beauty in the little things in life, like the flowers themselves.

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